Light Feet Blog

Ringing in the New Year at Grand Staircase-Escalante & Bears Ears

Ringing in the New Year at Grand Staircase-Esca...

Brian Fryer

My wife, Grace, and I have been saddened by the news of the recent shrinking of Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument and Bears Ears National Monument. The beautiful and unexplored frontiers...

Ringing in the New Year at Grand Staircase-Esca...

Brian Fryer

My wife, Grace, and I have been saddened by the news of the recent shrinking of Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument and Bears Ears National Monument. The beautiful and unexplored frontiers...

Beauty, Adventure, & the Right Gear on an Off-Trail Grand Canyon Route

Beauty, Adventure, & the Right Gear on an Off-T...

Brian Fryer

The Grand Canyon is my favorite place of all - the more I see, the deeper appreciation I have for this Wonder of the World. I am currently working on...

Beauty, Adventure, & the Right Gear on an Off-T...

Brian Fryer

The Grand Canyon is my favorite place of all - the more I see, the deeper appreciation I have for this Wonder of the World. I am currently working on...

Peak Bagging in the Weminuche Wilderness with the Kumo 36 Superlight Backpack

Peak Bagging in the Weminuche Wilderness with t...

Brian Fryer

Passions come in waves for me; I get washed up in obsession, only to see that excitement subside when newer, shinier desires appear. This has been a cycle my whole...

Peak Bagging in the Weminuche Wilderness with t...

Brian Fryer

Passions come in waves for me; I get washed up in obsession, only to see that excitement subside when newer, shinier desires appear. This has been a cycle my whole...

Brand Ambassador Gear List: Erin "Wired" Saver

Brand Ambassador Gear List: Erin "Wired" Saver

Brian Fryer

By: Erin "Wired" Saver The Pyrenees mountain range, which creates a natural border between Spain and France, runs from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea. There are multiple routes...

Brand Ambassador Gear List: Erin "Wired" Saver

Brian Fryer

By: Erin "Wired" Saver The Pyrenees mountain range, which creates a natural border between Spain and France, runs from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea. There are multiple routes...

Book Review - Backpacker Long Trails: Mastering the Art of the Thru-Hike

Book Review - Backpacker Long Trails: Mastering...

Brian Fryer

Have you been looking longingly at journals, photos and videos of this year's thru-hikers, wondering what it takes to put a trip like that together for yourself? There are so...

Book Review - Backpacker Long Trails: Mastering...

Brian Fryer

Have you been looking longingly at journals, photos and videos of this year's thru-hikers, wondering what it takes to put a trip like that together for yourself? There are so...

Brand Ambassador Gear List - Ras and Kathy "Team Ultra Pedestrian" Vaughan

Brand Ambassador Gear List - Ras and Kathy "Tea...

Brian Fryer

Gossamer Gear would like to welcome Team UltraPedestrian, Ras and Kathy Vaughan as our newest Brand Ambassadors! Read below about their spring attempt to hike the Grand Enchantment Trail from...

Brand Ambassador Gear List - Ras and Kathy "Tea...

Brian Fryer

Gossamer Gear would like to welcome Team UltraPedestrian, Ras and Kathy Vaughan as our newest Brand Ambassadors! Read below about their spring attempt to hike the Grand Enchantment Trail from...